The Internet brought us a lot of new things, specially about the way people comunicate with each others. Although my idea of Internet is not the one we all have nowadays (something more like secoundlife, but more connected to making business), i have to accept the idea that bloggs help people to know more about people with which we are related, somehow, professionaly or with other interest on the personal life. That is good, in my opinion,... its an experience that we can use in the future,...
So, that might be the best reason for me to create this blog - Sharing. Of course i'm not interested on sharing everything, but, i'm interested to share my professional life. Why? well, because in my personal life i've been looking for chances, although knowing exactly what i want, its more difficult to reach the objective. You are lucky, or you aren't. If you are, then you must grab the change when it's time, but you are not lucky, well, there's no change you can grab the chance, because there will be none. Professionaly, you can keep trying. Everything resumes to chances, of couse, or as i keep saying to myself, the will of God. You can't keep away from His will, but you can try doing your best to be what you want to be, and be the best to do it. That takes time, money, patient, and most of all WILL, which, in my opinion is the keyword.
From the first day that i saw a computer i just said "WOW", but when i saw a videogame running on that computer, and i remember the day, i sayd, "amazing, i love this,... how can i make videogames?". Back then, here, in Portugal, there wasn't a lot of documentation on programming languages. I guess the books wouldn't sell on the book stores. A friend of mine, that had programming in school, taught me a little about programming on commodore 64. I was amazed with what was possible to do. I was able to buy 3 books on "basic programming", i have them today. Computers evolved,... On the following years i was always trying to know more about programming, but there were no books to buy or anyone else to talk to, once my friend went to live to another place. Some time after,... a long time after i say a "C programming" book on a store. Useless to say that i bought it. Then a problem came. What do i do with this? I have the book, i have the knowledge, but where do i program? back them i did not knew what a compiler was or a linker, or what ever. After i got that information, the problem came to be "how do i get the compiler?". No one had ever heard about that.
Can't know the exact year. Was it 1996? Don't know exactly, but i got my first Visual Basic 4 Compiler. Great!!! happiness. And what about my first book on Visual Basic? on sale? "OH YEAH". I was able to make "Kung Fu". I had all that i takes to do it. That was when i knew what i wanted to be for the rest of my life: "PROGRAMMER". I was able to do it.
In the following years, programming books started to sell on book stores, i got my first visual studio 6 package and i was able to program in all those languages. When i started working, i started taking programming courses on those languages in Visual Studio. To this day, i haven't stopped doing it,... i just love it. Take control of the machine, tell it what to do, and be very happy when it does what i tell it what to do, after fighting hard and telling me that its crashing because this and that. It's like conquering the world, but in this case, conquering the machine. that is fighting against us. Of course that after all these years more challenges came, and conquering the machine is just not enought. We must conquer even our own knowledge,... Mathematics, phisics, calculus, whatever comes in our way.
So, this was the begginning,... the start of it all,...