Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Game Engine and Tools

Making games is a lot of fun, no doubts about it, but going to the core of the games, by creating the game engine is a very interesting task, to say the least!!!
When creating the game engine and the level editor, new ideas just pop up, even when all the previous fazes prior to coding have been done, all the "mental work". The game i'm creating has potential for continuity and the ideas are just more than a lot!
It's incredible how amazing it is to create something from the beginning and "fill" it with new ideas. Of course, my experience tells me that after some time we should be thinking of something like "oh, ok, i should had taken this approach instead". Nothings perfect!
I'm also creating the level editor for the game. I can already define a stage and visually insert objects, and i can also load levels already build, but some things are missing. It's not yet possible to delete objects by clicking on them and press delete and its not possible to move objects that have already been inserted.
I believe that creating level editors lets us know more about the reality of our game, because when we are coding we expect that things work in a certain way, that sometimes, due to bad coding or whatever, they just don't work that way. Making the level editor, lets us know where everything should be and behave, depending how good is the level editor.
Both game engines and level editors are sometimes avoid by developers that wish to find someone to make it for them, but believe me, the control that is gained over the game, not only of its capacities but also for future upgrades

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